Cazare Piata Amzei
Located in the heart of Bucharest, just steps away from Piata Romana Square, University Square and The Old Town, this chic apartment is within walking distance to everything that matters in Bucharest (museums, theatres, art galleries, restaurants, clubs and pubs). The flat is semi-basement but not dark and penetrated with natural light. Please take note that in case of 6 pax the living room is separated by a curtain from the room 1.
Sector 1, Bucuresti
8 martie
99 EUR
Admistrare proprietati Regim Hotelier
De 12 ani administram proprietati în regim hotelier în Europa și România. Dacă doriți sa va maximizati profitul ne puteți contacta. Administram : - Apartamente - Case - Clădiri. În cazul în care sunteți interesați ne puteți contacta la telefon oricând între orele 14:00 - 22:00
Sector 1, Bucuresti
8 martie
2 000 EUR
Cazare Balcescu
Located in the heart of Bucharest, just steps away from Piata Universitatii Square, University Square and The Old Town, this chic apartment is within walking distance to everything that matters in Bucharest (museums, theatres, art galleries, restaurants, clubs and pubs).
Sector 1, Bucuresti
8 martie
90 EUR